As we all know, a lot of asians seem to be infatuated with the opposite gender of the Caucasian type. Check Mr. Gin's post. Well, I think Caucasians do have a very strong look to them. They are bigger, built more, usually they have big eyes which is a desirable trait in the asian culture. Furthermore, its a different color. Blue is a nicer color to look at than black usually. Asians tend to look quite similar, whether they are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. So people are usually attracted to the exotic looking, in this case for asians, Caucasians.
On the other hand, I believe asians have their appeal as well. For any one who has ever heard of the fountain of youth story, where this European guy travels half way around the world to South America to find the fountain of youth; they will know that youth is a very desirable trait across the world. Why do guys like Hugh Hefner prefer to shag girls that are one-fifth his age? Oh don't think that women don't do the same thing. Affluent, older women certainly do their share of dating younger men. Youth is more or less equated with beauty universally around the world. Asians generally have a youthful look to them. Ever compare a 30 year old asian to a 30 year old caucasian? Chances are, the asian looks younger.
So all this begs the question: "Is it better to have youth or desirable features? I say........ Is it too much to ask for both?" (I stole this line from Iron man....hehe)
I present to you, Misa Campo, Life's like that Girl of the "undisclosed time period".

Misa Campo is of both Filipino and Dutch decent, born in Montreal, Canada. A very stunning girl.... she has that mixed look with youth and nice features which well, sounds great in theory, but very few mixed children are able to pull it off. To put it bluntly, mixing usually produces nothing out of the ordinary, neither here nor there.

Ah well, I know her boobs have been implanted with stuff.
Pictures don't tell the full story, here she is on youtube. I think shes cute as well. Caution: the first video has quite a bit of skin.
Here she is getting hyphy =)
I guess being a mix has the best of all worlds either foreign men or asian men..hmm..
lol...maybe. But hotness is independent of race. I've seen ugly mixed as well. In the end, every race, including mixed has their share of hots and their share of nots. hehe
ok and mix has the better of all worlds...hehe..
truth without words
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