One word, Avril Lavigne rocks. Well, exclude her name and it's one Anyways, recently all I've been seeing on MTVasia is Avril Lavigne and her totally infectious personality despite the artist of the month being James blah (i mean blunt). She's very untypical of most Americans, well even Canadians. She's looks the total opposite of hot for westerners. She's smaller in height and weight. She's more cute than the typical stereotype of a caucasian beauty (tall, blond, big boobs, long legs, etc). Definitely I doubt a lot of Caucasians would even think twice about her if she couldn't sing.

I'll tell you where she'd rock and be fully accepted and have no inklings of insecurity. In Asia! or better yet, Malaysia (ROFL). Girls like her are considered waaaaaay hot in the looks department over here. And she can sing fantastic. Generally I don't consider the typical hot Caucasians to be too attractive, but I would totally dig Avril. Nuff said, visit Malaysia Avril! Gwen Stefani came, and she's also totally the asian-hottie trapped in a caucasian's skin. Everyone loved her and they'll love Avril more i bet.
She is hot! but i dun see anything about her features other than being smaller than the usual caucasion, anything like an Asian!
lol have u been? take care yeah
well....yeah ur right...not really asian, but she definitely would be considered hotter here than in caucasian land lol.
that's I'm caucasian and I don't wanna claim that my knowledge and opinion about the asian culture is free of stereotype and stuff..but it amuses me to read what you think about us. like we only think chicks with big boobs, long blonde hair and long legs are hot. show me one straigth american guy who would not wanna bang the crap outa avril! she's hot and her singing is not even that fact i'm pretty sure she would have never made it as a singer if it weren't for her's like comparing her to celine dion or someone else who'S ugly and only famous for their beautiful voice....
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