Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Life is good if you are a good looking presidential candidate

Senator Obama currently is running for the democratic candidate spot, and probably one of the better looking candidates. If not that, definitely photogenic. Last week I dropped by the borders at QB mall and Obama was flashing his pearly whites on the cover of GQ magazine.

But with all this publicity, Obama still hasn't done well lately. It seems like Hilary has locked up the majority by a large margin in the polls. In fact intrade is predicting that Hilary clinton will beat obama. Hilary's bet is worth 68, while obama's bet is worth 16.

The way the bets work is that the numbers range from 0-100 and whoever wins gets 100. In the mean time, people pay 68 for the trade and if Clinton gets the nominee, the people can cash their bets in for 100. If Clinton loses, it's worth zero. With Obama at just 16, people obviously think he won't win the nominee. I don't actually bet on who would win, but if you would want to, intrade is the place to place your bets. Intrade seems very accurate with an impressive track history of predicting winners.

So Obama would probably lose, but losers can still be winners.

Hot girls will still want him! Oh yeah, I like the next one better...heh. Obama! gotta represent!

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